Counterfeit Decks

Posted by Patrick Valenza on

So we finally got one of the counterfeit Trionfi Della Luna decks in our hands today. In comparing these rip offs from China to the authentic deck, we can see the fakes are much smaller and of low quality. The colors are muddy and muted and the deck gives off a definite toxic smell that left us with a headache.

This problem is beyond rampant in the tarot industry and many well known artists like myself have considered not making any more decks in the future. Why would anyone if they knew these vultures were waiting for the release to steal the work and counterfeit it. Would you do a massive amount of work only to have someone steal any deserved compensation from you?

What’s worse are some who say they don’t care and even thank the counterfeiters! Why would anyone even want to read with a deck with such empty energy in the first place?

(QR Coodes are a dead givaway!)

Things to look out for:

A QR code (we get emails daily from folks saying the QR code is broken and then request a working link to the PDF. Sorry, but we don’t use QRs. You may with to get your money back on that fake deck)

Small size

Strange titles on listings on eBay/Amazon/Etsy/ect (Family fun /party game)

Be aware that MOST tarot decks sold on eBay/Amazon ect. are fake.

All of our Indie decks are ONLY sold on our website. Nowhere else.

So I ask you, on behalf of all tarot creators out there to please not support this the thievery.

Thank you for your support,


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  • I’m here looking at the hat makes counterfeit vs not because I saw a few online in resale groups. And it’s sad this is being done. But I do understand why some ppl are ok with it. Only so many were released and not everyone could get one or afford one. And they loved them so much they were willing to take the fakes. It’s wrong but I understand it. I am one of the ones who missed out due to life. And while I am not looking to buy counterfeit, I do hope more are released

    Jules on
  • Que belleza de Tarot. Me gustaria que manden catalogo, para ver otros productos. Gracias

    Sergio zumaya on

  • hola buenas tardes adquiri su producto por mercado libre pero donde puedo descargar el manual digital??? esque no entendi me podria explicar por favor se lo agradeseria mucho…gracias buen dia

  • Oh I forgot to say in my previous comment that I am going to purchase right now your Borderless Deviant moon on Amazon.

    Rosario on

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