Fenwood Gazette
The Mildred Archive
Posted by Patrick Valenza on
The Fenwood Bureau of Artifacts has uncovered a remarkable collection of films and photographs featuring our most enigmatic inmate, Mildred Payne. Among these relics is a haunting sequence of the tragic Milly and her cherished doll, Claire, believed to have been captured on the grounds of Fenwood Asylum, circa 1929.
St. Penitencia
Posted by Patrick Valenza on
Main Entrance Supernatural Encounters: Penitencia’s history of hauntings and eerie occurrences played a pivotal role in Mildred Payne's supernatural development. She reportedly began seeing the spirits of former students, some of whom died under mysterious circumstances. These experiences heightened her connection to the supernatural and reinforced her distrust of authority figures, particularly the nuns, whom she suspected of concealing dark secrets. North Wing, Rear of Building
Posted by Patrick Valenza on
From 1922 until her internment in Fenwood Asylum in 1928, young Mildred attended St. Penitencia School for Wayward Girls in upstate Klottersburg, NY. The mischievous pranks she often played on Sister Claudine and the other girls led to harsh punishments, but for Mildred, the thrill was always worth it.
Our Darling
Posted by Patrick Valenza on
Posted by Patrick Valenza on
Sedarlia; Dark Queen of the Notorious Fenwood Coven of 1889. It was she who placed a diabolical curse on young Rose Payne, causing baby Mildred to be born with facial deformities. May her evil soul rot in hell for all eternity.