Posted by Patrick Valenza on

Deviance for the Whole Family! So, these pirate decks keep popping up all over Amazon and Ebay....Buyer Beware! These counterfeits are small size and horrible quality. If you see them for a very low price with free shipping from China, will be ripped off.
We ordered a deck just to see and compare and will be putting up a video shortly. This problem is not just with the Deviant Moon deck, but nearly ALL popular decks out today. In the meantime, find authentic products right here at Fenwood Asylum!

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  • This is why I usually try to buy from the creator only.

    selkie on
  • Argh! This boils my blood and not in a good way :P I actually contacted this guy on eBay saying if he could supply me with a Mildred set.. just to wait for the reply so I can throw some abuse his way. Not usually one to make a big deal but when it is obviously someone’s hard work out there being cheapened and used… sorry nup… Albeit I am an amateur, I am an artist too and there is nothing worse. I am sorry this is happening.
    I just purchased my French deck and I am very happy to pay for them what they are worth and was stoked with the discount!

    Paige Alexander on
  • How can you tell if your borderless deck is counterfeit? I purchased mine from Amazon, and it does have an ISBN number and it says US Games. What size is the official one?

    Kari on
  • I bought a deck from called the Witches Tarot at a discounted price and I am absolutely sure it is a fake. It was in a tuckbox cellophaned and without any other packaging or guidebook. It didn’t even have a little white book. Please everyone be careful when buying from a source that could and probably is fraudulent. I also bought a hardcover DeviantMoon Tarot guidebook from Amazon, it looks good but now It leaves me wondering. Hopefully it was just used.

    Andrea Rumley on

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