Fenwood Gazette

Madame Thoza

Posted by Patrick Valenza on

Madame Thoza is considered the 1st witch of Valley Park and founder of the notorious "Fenwood Coven". Known for her "STARE of DEATH", she utterly controlled her subordinates through a twisted form of demonic hypnosis.  Madame Thoza truly was the ALPHA-WITCH...until Rose Payne, one of her most promising disciples, disobeyed and challenged her authority in 1913. The result was a cursed pregnancy for young Rose, leading to the birth of her legendary daughter, Mildred..... Blessed with unparalleled gifts from the netherworld, it would be young Mildred who would one day bring an end to Thoza's reign of horror.

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The Rockville Massacre-1913-WARNING! GRAPHIC CONTENT!

Posted by Patrick Valenza on

The Youthful Pennington Girls Hours Before The Murders...Feb 23,1913 ....................................................................... According to newspaper and police records, a most disturbing tragedy struck the little town of Rockville in 1913.  Seven students from the upscale Pennington Girls Dormitory School were brutally butchered by unknown assailants.  According to detectives, the murders may have been committed by two lunatics that escaped Fenwood Asylum the week before. (These psychotic fugitives were never apprehended.) Although this theory seemed to fit the crime, it was widely rumored that the girls dabbled in the black arts and may have insulted a powerful group of witches in the area. To this day, many believe it was the...

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Mildred's Lost Gown and the Secret Pocket

Posted by Patrick Valenza on

We first learned of Mildred back in 2017 when Asylum workers were busy replacing broken asbestos covered pipes in the wall....   Hidden deep inside the wall was an old hospital gown neatly folded between the rotted beams.....   The name "Mildred" was written on the inside collar.....   Upon further examination of the garment, workers discovered a tiny pocket sewn into the underside.....   T'was inside the pocket that Mildred's Secret Pocket Oracle was first discovered.... FENWOOD ASYLUM HAS NEVER BEEN THE SAME SINCE.....

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Oliver Irving- "Burn Boy"

Posted by Patrick Valenza on

One of the most bizarre residents of Valley Park was Oliver Irving, known to the locals as "Burn Boy". Horribly disfigured while attempting to set a barn fire in 1919, this wretched child became a town outcast. The mere sight of his melted grimace caused even the bravest men to turn there heads away in fright. Regardless of his mutilated face, Oliver found acceptance by crafting a various collection of papier-mâché masks to conceal his ghastly deformities, and soon became a form of freakish entertainment to the townsfolk. Each mask he wore brought out different personalities in Oliver. Sometimes he was a jester, an old man, or even...

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The Fenwood Coven of 1933

Posted by Patrick Valenza on

Pictured above is the notorious Fenwood Coven of 1933. (Left to right: Hilda, Mariana, Brigitta, and Elena Boszorkány) These sisters were the 3rd and last generation of witches to terrorized the good citizens of Valley Park. Only working together could they match the power of Mildred Payne, whom they tried but failed to recruit into their evil circle. It is believed that this unholy quartet was incinerated in the great Asylum fire of 1933-undoubtedly caused by Mildred herself as retaliation for an unknown offence. *(On a side note, we have noticed the appearance of a shadowy figure wearing a hat in many of our old photos...

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