Fenwood Gazette


Posted by Patrick Valenza on

The Soothsayer, Reenee. Circa 1898. (1796-1913, Surname: Unknown)Rumored to be 102 at the time of this photo, she would become the mentor to young Rose Payne years later. Though blind in one eye, she was able to perceive a shadowy world far beyond reality and was greatly feared by the notorious Fenwood Coven. Such uncanny abilities would later be passed down to a yet unborn Mildred, who would come to surpass them all.

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Rose Payne, Mother of Mildred.....

Posted by Patrick Valenza on

                 Rose Payne, 1912- Clairvoyant Tarot Reader. 'Twas in this year she was gifted the legendary Tarot of Black Enchantment. (Not pictured) by the Sooth Sayer, Reenee. An enigmatic deck of mysterious and unknown origins that is currently being "restored" by Deviant Moon Inc. Details to follow. ......................................................................................... Rose Payne in her reading parlor,1918. Her passion for Tarot would inspire her "gifted" daughter, Mildred, to create her own decks in the years to come. Fenwood has acquired Rose's mysterious deck, the Tarot of Black Enchantment, which was locked inside her vardo for nearly...

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Hauntings at Fenwood!

Posted by Patrick Valenza on

dO nOT fEAR! There have been numerous GHOSTLY sightings of BLacK MarY here in the halls of Fenwood.....what we are about to reveal today may cause you to soil your trousers. (Please bring a change of clothes and napkins) Prepare for our GHASTLY SPIRIT FLOOD! .................................................................................................... House of Nightmares: This haunting photo of BLacK MaRy was taken by a brave guest spending the night at Fenwood (Name withheld out of fear!) ........................................... Passing MaRy on the StaircaSE. 3:33 am....... (Our Advice: Just run right through her!) ........................................................................ Encountering MaRY... Sadly, no bed to hide under in this room. You'll just...

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Reflections from Beyond

Posted by Patrick Valenza on

Rose Payne in her boudoir (1911). A Glimpse of Tragedy Yet To Come.

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The Jack-O-Lantern Slaughter of 1903

Posted by Patrick Valenza on

In the Fall of 1903, a series of brutal murders took place along the outskirts of Valley Park. Known as the "Jack-O-Lantern Slaughter", these crimes were committed by children rumored to be under a hypnotic trance. A total of 13 victims were found with face carvings on their torsos resembling that of a Halloween pumpkin. It is believed the murderous children had training in their diabolical handiwork by an mentor whose identity was never discovered.  

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