Posted by Patrick Valenza on

Not even a week after release and we’re already seeing pirated copies.
Thank you for not supporting this theft.
It affects all tarot creators in so many negative ways.
Posted by Patrick Valenza on
Ormai è sempre più difficile non imbattersi in un mazzo contraffatto, sono ovunque, anche su piattaforme come Etsy dove non te lo aspetti. Che schifo.
Bad enough AI decks are flooding the market (without a disclaimer that it was created via AI), but Etsy is terrible and Amazon is getting pretty bad. I won’t even buy a deck on eBay anymore. For awhile, I reported counterfeits every time I found them, but apparently, Etsy and Amazon do. Not. Care. Expected for Amazon; disappointing from Etsy.
Is there anything else we can do besides not buying counterfeits?
Is the deviant moon etsy page legit?
Want to purchase the Zamner twins.. I don’t know how..