Hauntings at Fenwood!
Posted by Patrick Valenza on

dO nOT fEAR! There have been numerous GHOSTLY sightings of BLacK MarY here in the halls of Fenwood.....what we are about to reveal today may cause you to soil your trousers. (Please bring a change of clothes and napkins) Prepare for our GHASTLY SPIRIT FLOOD!

House of Nightmares: This haunting photo of BLacK MaRy was taken by a brave guest spending the night at Fenwood (Name withheld out of fear!)

Passing MaRy on the StaircaSE. 3:33 am.......
(Our Advice: Just run right through her!)

Encountering MaRY...
Sadly, no bed to hide under in this room. You'll just have to face her!

Come to think of it, MaRY is not the ONLY spirit running amok in the Halls of Fenwood!

BLacK MaRY Agonizes in our Bookless Library....

With friends like these, who needs the living?

Turn around and confront her.....Do It!

just realizing this is a fictional story! Great storytelling!
Alittle off topic here, but I’m curious as to what deformity mildred payne had.
Thank you.
I LOVE Black Mary! I hope I get to meet her sometime! LOL! This is really clever!
Blood ran cold, hair on end!