Rites of the Virgins

Posted by Patrick Valenza on

During the early 20th Century, the Pagan Sisterhood flourished here at Fenwood.
We have learned that young Rose Payne, future mother of Mildred, was inducted into the cult at age 14.
In this previously unreleased photo, we see 14 year old Rose (3rd girl in from right), fresh as a flower, frolicking with her virgin sisters during the Summer Solstice of 1902.
Little did she know that sunshine would be scarce in her life from this day forward...

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  • Oracle of Black Enchantment, #31 and 32.
    Have we a clue here? Did the Sisterhood do Rose in? Hmm…

    Stella Waldvogel on
  • shivers It looks like “Rose” is haunting that field now that she is gone! I wonder if Mildred ever did a séance to find out why her mother was haunted then murdered? Would be fascinating to know…… wouldn’t it? ;)

    Kim on

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