The Motherhood of Forsaken China Dolls-1902
Posted by Patrick Valenza on

Near the turn of the 19th century, a group of infertile women came together to end their collective despair.
Known as "The Motherhood of Forsaken China Dolls", these childless members poured their unused love into the hollow cavities of lifeless porcelain effigies.
At first, such antics seemed harmless, but in time the women's devotion to the dolls grew manic as they began to believe them to be ALIVE!
Some citizens claimed that the women spoke aloud to the dolls as they carried them around town. It was even reported that the dolls spoke back and that their tiny voices sounded like demons.
Mysterious midnight meetings drew even more suspicion from the townsfolk, as rumors of unholy rituals began circulating.
On the night of June 13th, 1902, something unknown dragged each of these women into insanity. They were found early the next morning wandering the streets of Vally Park, babbling and bewildered, holding the headless bodies of the dolls they once loved.
I love these Fenwood stories. This one is super creepy.