Welcome to the AsYLuM!
Deviant Moon Inc. (A.K.A. Fenwood Asylum) was founded in 2015 by Patrick Valenza. Browse the Asylum for strange tarot decks, original artwork, and other oddities.
Please be advised that the management is not responsible for injuries incurred while window shopping.
Fenwood Gazette

The Mildred Archive
The Fenwood Bureau of Artifacts has uncovered a remarkable collection of films and photographs featuring our most enigmatic inmate, Mildred Payne. Among these relics is a haunting sequence of the...

St. Penitencia
Main Entrance Supernatural Encounters: Penitencia’s history of hauntings and eerie occurrences played a pivotal role in Mildred Payne's supernatural development. She reportedly began seeing the spirits of former students, some...

From 1922 until her internment in Fenwood Asylum in 1928, young Mildred attended St. Penitencia School for Wayward Girls in upstate Klottersburg, NY. The mischievous pranks she often played on...
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Gallery of Hallucinations Oracle

BEASTIES Coloring Book

The Resurrected Playing Cards of 1804
Featured collection

The long awaited Deviant Moon tarot app is here!
Works with your IPhone or Android!
Only $3.99
Deviant Moon tarot for Android
Deviant Moon Oracle Creation

The First 8 Cards....
The first 8 cards of The Deviant Moon Oracle are complete! I will be creating them in groups of 8, all the way to 56. From here on, we are...

The Plant #23 WIP
WIP=The Plant #23 Deviant Moon Oracle. Back to work on the oracle after a bit of a detour the past 2 months. The deck WILL be finished this summer!